NZ Diploma in Māori Public Health Level 6

(Māori mental health and addiction)

Enrolment Form


Once you have spoken to your Te Rau Matatau Kaimanaaki, please note:
  • All sections must be completed
  • In this document, 'Ākonga' refers to the person who wishes to start training
  • The Ākonga must provide a verified National Student Number (NSN) OR the required form(s) of identification, verified by the employer
If you have any questions or require help, please contact your Te Rau Matatau 

Section: Qualification

Qualification Information

Please enter the program enrolment code as provided by Te Rau Matatau

The intended start date

Section: Identification

Provide ID
To enrol into this course, you are required to supply either a copy of your Passport or a verified copy of your Birth Certificate

Order ID
If you do not have ID, Te Rau Matatau can order suitable ID for you at a cost of $38.

Section: Personal Information

Personal Details

Contact Details

Mailing Address Info

Postal Address Info

Emergency Contact

Address Info

Language Information

1 = Fluent Speaker 2 = Intermediate Speaker 3 - Beginner

1 = Fluent Speaker 2 = Intermediate Speaker 3 - Beginner

1 = Fluent Speaker 2 = Intermediate Speaker 3 - Beginner

Section: Citizenship

Residency Information

Section: Ethnicity

Ethnicity Information

You can select more than 1 option

Section: Academics

Academic Information

Highest Qualification
Your highest achievement may be a traditional award such as a School Certificate or you may have achieved a number of credits for a National Certificate at a certain level on a National Qualifications Framework. your NZQA Record of Learning shows how many credits you have

Completion Expectations

Previous Tertiary Education

For this section, please ensure you have a certified copy of your academic record to your enrolment form.
Institution 1

Institution 2

Section: Support Services

Support Services
It is not compulsory to provide the below information.
The following information is confidential.

By collecting this information, it will help us improve our services and provide assistance where required.

Section: Contract

Ākonga Contract
Te Rau Matatau and the Ākonga form a contractural relationship when Te Rau Matatau enrols the Ākonga into the program of study. What follows are the terms of this contract with Te Rau Matatau and the Ākonga, with the acceptance by the Ākonga to govern their relationship, along with statute, and with the regulations in the rules of Te Rau Matatau.

Te Rau Matatau will:
  1.  Use best endeavours to provide the Ākonga with tuition and supervision of a professional standard in the course(s) in which the Ākonga is enrolled
  2. Act responsibly and fairly in exercising its powers under the regulatory framework and this contract
  3. Give reasonable notice of any changes in the course(s) required because of changes in funding, staffing or other seasonable cause
The Ākonga will:
  1. Use best endeavours to fulfil the requirements prescribed by Te Rau Matatau for the course(s)
  2. Observe the regulations and rules of Te Rau Matatau and accept the jurisdiction of Te Rau Matatau in all matters connected with academic progress and with discipline
  3. Pay the fees prescribed by Te Rau Matatau for the course(s)
  4. Advise Te Rau Matatau if I change my employer or if any of my details (including contact details) change.
Te Rau Matatau and the Akonga also agree:
  1. The contract is formed when a "Confirmation of Enrolment" is issued for the programme(s) identified in this enrolment
  2. That if the NSN is unknown, the Ākonga agrees for Te Rau Matatau to use the data collected in this form to obtain the NSN from NZQA on the Ākonga's behalf
  3. The contract will continue for the period for which the Ākonga is enrolled by Te Rau Matatau and will then end. However, clause 7 below, will continue to apply after this contract ends
  4. Te Rau Matatau and the Ākonga may enter into further ocntracts in subsequent periods by repeating the process and clause
  5. The relevant "Apply to Enrol Form", "Offer of Placement and Course Selection", "Confirmation of Enrolment" and material published in the Handbook also form part of this contract, but nothing else shall be incorporated into the contractural relationship between the Ākonga and Te Rau Matatau
  6. Liability for failure to perform this contract is excluded where that failure has been caused by circumstances beyond the control of Te Rau Matatau or the Ākonga
  7. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract, or otherwise relating to the performance by Te Rau Matatau or its staff of their responsibilities to the Ākonga shall be resolved through the Grievance Procedures produced by Te Rau Matatau which shall be the exclusive procedures for resolution of such a dispute

Section: Privacy

Privacy Declaration
Te Rau Matatau collects and stores information from this form to:
  • Manage the business of Te Rau Matatau (including internal reporting, administrative processes and selection of scholarship and prize winners)
  • Comply with the requirements of the Education Act 1989 and other legislation relating to Maintenance of Records including legislation governing the Maintenance of Official Records ANZ accountability for public funding
  • Supply information to government agencies and other organisations as set out below
In signing, this enrolment form, you authorise such disclosure on the understanding that Te Rau Matatau will observe the conditions governing the release of information as set out in the Privacy Act 1993, the Education Act 1989, and other relevant legislation. You may see any information about you and amend any errors in that information. To do so, contact the Enrolments Officer.

NB: The Privacy Act 1993 came into force on 1st of July 1993 with the stated aim of protecting the privacy of natural persons. It requires Te Rau Matatau to collect, hold, handle, use and disclose personal information in accordance with the twelve information Privacy principles in the act.

Supply of Information to government agencies and other organisations

Te Rau Matatau supplies data collected in this form to the governement agencies including the Ministry of Education, New Zealand Qualification Authority, the Tertiary Education Commission, The Ministry of Social Development (in relation to Student Loans and allowances), Inland Revenue (Student Loans), Immigration New Zealand and the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (for those who are not New Zealand citizens or permanent residents) and agencies that support particular Ākonga through scholarships, payment of fees, or other awards (if you are a recipient of one of these awards). Those agencies use the data collected from tertiary education organisations to administer the Tertiary Education System including allocating funding, to develop policy advice for the government and to conduct statistical analysis and research.

Your personal details (name, date of birth and residency) as entered on this form will be included in the National Student Index and may be used in an authorised information matching programme with the New Zealand Birth register and, ID-card provisioning agencies. The government agencies above may supply data collected on this form to Statistic NZ for the purposes of integrating data with data by other government agencies, subject to provisions of the Statistics Act 1975. Integrated data is used for the production of official statistics, to inform policy advice to the government and for research purposes in handling data supplied by you on this form, the government agencies are required to comply with the provisions of the Privacy Act 1993. When required by law, Te Rau Matatau releases information to government agencies such as the New Zealand Police, Department of Justice, Ministry of Social Development, and the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC). Information collected on this form may be supplied to other educational organisations for the purpose of verifying academic records. You authorise Te Rau Matatau to take such steps as reasonably necessary to verify your identity for the purpose of enrolment including seeking information from other government agencies. 

By agreeing here, you the Ākonga, acknowledge that the information supplied is correct to the best of your knowledge.
You have read and agreed to the terms and conditions listed on Page 3 of this Training Agreement Form and to the responsibilities listed below:

  • I declare that I am the owner of the National Student Number (NSN) entered on Page 2 of this Matatini Ora Enrolment Form
  • I understand that Te Rau Matatau will collect, use and store my personal information in the manner set out on Page 4 of this Matatini Ora Enrolment Form
I agree to:
  • Supply all my own evidence in assessments
  • I will advise Te Rau Matatau if I change my employer or if any of my details (inlcuding contact details) change.

Section: Ākonga Declaration

In signing this enrolment form, you undertake to comply with the publication rules and policies of Te Rau Matatau with regards to attendance, academic integrity and progress, and use of information
Promotion Consent

I declare that to the best of my knowledge all of the information supplied on and with this enrolment form is true and complete. I agree to abide by the conditions described in this form, and I consent to the collection, use of and disclosure of personal information as described in this form.

To complete this enrolment, you will be sent an email to:
  1. Verify your email address
  2. Sign the Declaration section of this page electronically via Email.
If you do not receive an email, please ensure you have checked your Junk/SPAM folder. Otherwise, please get in contact with your Kaimanaaki